Sunday, April 1

April Fool's Day

Had an email from my IT tutor, says I have left too long a gap in posting and the art of the blog is in posting everyday and being "relevant and contemporaneous". He also pointed out a typing error - well, I have corrected that! But he did say he liked my use of technology, and had noted that I wasn't 'stagnating' I was adding features to the blog all the time.

So here's contemporaneous, if not relevant:
"A 68-year-old man has been arrested after it was found (by police, but someone must have told them!) he had more than a million fireworks. Police think he was going to sell the fireworks ready for Easter."

Everyone lets of firecrackers after Church, and all through Easter, very noisy, Easter in Greece!

And, since it is 1st April - #94: Tomb of Socrates Found In 1995
the Greek Ministry of Culture announced that during excavation for the Athens metro system, archaeologists had uncovered what they believed to be the tomb of Socrates near the base of the Acropolis. A vase containing traces of hemlock (the poison used to kill socrates) and a piece of leather dating from between 400 and 390 BC were found in the tomb. The news agency Agence France-Presse immediately issued a release about the story. What it didn't realize was that the Greek Ministry was joking, forcing the news agency to issue an embarrassed retraction a few hours later.

[Note for tutor - if I had hyperlinked this to the main article I would have had to include instructions to scroll down, or use ^f to do a search for relevant terminology, by experimenting I found that looking at the comments included the article with a unique url.]

Later - I tried to check out that story of Socrates' tomb, because I find it hard to imagine the Ministry of Culture doing that, but all the accounts I could find are obviously from the same source.

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