Monday, April 30


I meant to go beachcombing after the thunderstorm and gather some items so I could add them to the blog but there has been so much happening I didn't manage it, and when I did go quickly there didn't seem to be anything of interest.

But someone I know (well, not really know, am in touch with) sent me some interesting links to do with weather after she saw my post. (It is a photo, and I used software to change it into a painting; I was working on it for Art & Design but I think it has lost something along the way.)

Anywhichway (my Yia-yia says that) this someone is one of the people who has a stone like mine.

Here are the links:
Whirlwinds, Tornadoes, Water Spouts and Dust Devils
By Paul Damari

By Paul Damari

I have just seen that next week they are looking at the Earth's Rotation - this is getting scary!

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