Wednesday, April 11

Theories of Relativity

I've had another email from my Tasmanian correspondent, and have been told how my email reached them. It really looks like six degrees of separation, but when I was telling Stefan about it before he went back to University, he said the six degrees was to do with being related, a sort of genetic thing, two strangers will have a relative in common, six generations back.

So I showed him my blog on Six degrees of Separation - he wanted to know why no one had emailed him about it! I said I had left him out on purpose, to see if someone else emailed him, to help prove my theory - but that wasn't quite true! I had forgotten to include him.

But it could be interesting, because people like Yia-yia probably didn't email him, because they would think I had, so if he does get an email it will come from someone unrelated and we can track it back to its source, and see if it is within six emails.

(I've only just added the heading for this blog, it just came to me as I was finishing. good, yes?)

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