Friday, April 20


Did I mention I thought my stone (sorry, Stone) looked more like Karaghiozi - he is a shadow puppet, he is on the radio (how can that be, you wonder) and travelling shows come to the island (and other others, of course). (Not E.T.)

You can find more information here if you are interested.

Some people (and websites!) say we got Karaghiozi from Turkey, duing the reign of the Ottoman Empire, but I think it is the other way round and the reason I think this is because there are shadow puppets in India, as well. Also in India they have a lot of food like ours, which some people again say is from Turkey, but it makes more sense that when we were the underlings and doing the cooking and entertaining, we introduced our own culture, just as Alexandros O Megalos (Αλέξανδρος ο μεγάλος) and his men took our traditions to India.

Well, that's what I think, anyway! (To be honest, I have to tell you that some people called Alexander "the terrible" - we just did that in History but I think he did lots of good things as well, have a look at )

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