Tuesday, March 20

Trials & tribulations

I was going to try and get some of the stuff from my old blog into here, so at least it has some content, but some of my images are ones I took off the web, and I have had an email from one of my classmates in England, telling me that lots of people are being threatened with lawyers' letters, because they have downloaded images.

In one way this is good, because I can add it to the report on blogging, gives me more to say, but it means it will take me longer to get entries on. And I had a great photo of a koumboloi, which I really wanted to include, but I can't find it now - I've just had a quick scroll through Picasa and it isn't there. I will try and write more about that tomorrow.

I didn't use any keywords on yesterday's entry, so I think I will go back and edit that. That will be another element to document! I think I am doing quite well on that front. But I must get some content, so I can start sending out the emails to ask people to look at it. The idea is that they will then email their contacts, and hopefully it will grow like a ripple in a pond, or a wave in the ocean.

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