Tuesday, June 23

Our Adventurous Day

Sandy and I went back and took these photos while Lexie was recovering.

Thursday, June 18

More stones

Julia, a school friend in New Zealand, sent me this someone posted on her Facebook page.

Thursday, June 11

Stone faces

My Canadian friend from school, Barney, is in Italy at present.  His family visited Pompeii, and look what he found.

It made me think, shall we have a competition, just the three of us, to see who finds the best stone face in Malaysia?  Post here, but only one entry each.

Wednesday, June 10

Hey, guess who?' I'm here too

and this is where I am staying!  Looking forward to meeting up. Love, Lexie.
This is the night I arrived, from the balcony

Balcony in daylight

Swimming pool! Haven't been in it yet.

Sunday, June 7

Oops! I was here first! (in Sarawak)

I was posting photos to my school blog (private! F.T.E.O.) and didn't think to post here, so herewith!  The first museum we visited. (More later!)