Monday, April 15

Rocks that Look Like Faces Museum in Chichibu,- the Chinsekikan (Hall of Curious Rocks) has 1,700 stones!

Yoshiko Hayama, the daughter of the man who started this amazing collection, said her Father hoped it would become known throughout the world.

Many people do already know, but in case you are among those who don't - now you do!  (More details in previous post.)

Saturday, April 13

Searching online.....

... because Alex's latest stone photo reminded me of something, I came across this.

The Chichibu Chinsekikan

 Don't forget to visit when you are in Japan Alex!

Thursday, April 11

Sort of ridiculous......

Since Alex first started the blog he has published items contributed by Sandy and Lexie, acknowledging them, (us!) and we have just realized, as we are all Alex, anyone of us can post our own.  (You may have to guess who has written them!)
Alex Theothoros
Alex Godbert
Alex Godbehere