Saturday, September 17

A Visitor to East Sussex Coast

Red-footed booby. Photo courtesy of the East Sussex WRAS. SUS-160509-101603001

A rare bird normally found in tropical regions of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans was found in St Leonards at the weekend.

“After some research the bird turned out to be a red-footed booby. This is a first for us and possibly a first for the UK if it has flown here. We assume it hasn’t escaped from anywhere. “We know they have been seen in Spain before but are normally found in much hotter environments like the Galápagos Islands, and is obviously a long way from home.

Read more at:

Thursday, September 15

Just the moon, or those who dwell there?

The moon might cause earthquakes on Earth, new evidence shows
The Independent
The moon could cause huge earthquakes because of the stress it puts on our planet, according to new research. Scientists have long suspected that the moon might play some part in the major earthquakes that strike across the world and often cause huge ...

Moon 703x422

Tuesday, September 13

Coconuts, turtles, ocean quahogs - discover the mysteries of Sefton's shorelines

Flotsam and jetsam from the seven seas can – and does – wash up on Sefton’s sandy beaches, such as Southport, Ainsdale and Formby, and the Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership has decided to celebrate the fun and mystery of beachcombing with a one-off festival day in October.

Coconuts covered in goose barnacles, Kemp Ridley’s Turtle, octopus, exotic Triggerfish and the shells of the enigmatic Ocean Quahog have all come ashore in recent years – but you never know what you’ll discover on the tideline.

The free Beachcombing Festival will take place at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre from 10am to 3pm on Sunday, October 30.

But if you can’t get there (like most of us) explore the seashore nearest you for amazing finds.

Sunday, September 11


Massive fireball explodes over Cyprus

A gigantic fireball lit up the skies in Cyprus in the early morning hours of Friday local time, causing not only an incredible burst of light but also a boom so loud that the ground shook. Authorities don’t believe the meteor hit the Earth and more likely exploded in the sky.


Wednesday, September 7

Beachcombing with heart

Beachcombing isn’t about stuff; it’s about people. We are connected to one another through our love for nature, walking beaches, appreciating the ever-changing tides and the wave-worn treasures we sometimes find and always appreciate as gifts from the sea, gifts we sometimes are more than happy to share with our beachcombing families.

See the touching story and remarkable finds, when the author lost her sea pottery finds:

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