Sunday, September 14

Firing on the Foreshore

Pots made from Thames river clay were fired in two bonfires constructed on the foreshore from Thames driftwood - an ancient London tradition going back more than 5,000 years.

(Last year the tides must have been more favourable, as it seems to have been happening at dusk, which would be that much more atmospheric – maybe next year, maybe we could all do it?)


Firing pots


Then the tide comes in

Saturday, September 13

Mudlarking by the Thames

This is the urban equivalent of beachcombing - looking on the beach for 'treasures' washed in by the sea – and today, for the third time, I spent several hours wandering around, picking up things and photographing others.

It was a special ‘open day’ as part of Totally Thames, the totally pants name for what used to be the Thames Festival.

Have a look here for finds that will make you green with envy – well, they do me!

Here are a couple of my photos


Remains of a cartwheel


Used to anchor ships pulled up onto the beach for repair.