I thought I would get in touch with Scholastic publishers and see if they were interested in the educational potential of my blog (you're right, yet another school project! English/IT/Social networking!) and I was intending to suggest that this could be linked to The Stone Summons, which after all tells about living in three different countries.
But first of all it was a mire trying to find out how to make contact, then of course, it was impossible to find out who to contact, well there are addresses there, but if I write a letter and send it by the postman, it won't fit into the requirements of the project.
I have been able to document the steps I have taken, include some links about different, what is the phrase, top honchos (?) Barbara Marcus, Lisa Holton and Dick Robinson and to articles more or less related to my subject.
None the less, I a feeling a bit of a failure at the moments.