Saturday, January 30

I've had a revelation!

As one does, Lexie said when I was relaying the information to her (relaying, rather than telling, texting, emailing, for good reason!) We (school) were having a debate on global warming / climate change, man made or not and I had to be for, which rather annoyed me. And lots of the research I did bore out my own feelings, rather than those I had to convey in the debate.

I was rather proud of myself, well, on two counts really. I managed to turn it around to say that we shouldn't castigate ourselves for having caused it (because we obviously haven't, climate change has been going on for aeons; I would have loved to go to a frost fair on the Thames, but they only occurred during a mini ice age. There were vineyards in England in the Middle Ages - see how useful research is) po, po, po - to get back to what I was saying. We shouldn't castigate ourselves, but that is no reason why we shouldn't aim for a green footprint, conserve water, energy etc. where possible. Loipon, that was the first count, and the second count was, well, maybe I blinded them with science (it's seems to be a common occurrence!) but I won the debate! Well done me!

Well, that wasn't the revelation, the revelation was, in the light of reports like this "NEW evidence has cast doubt on claims that the world’s ice-caps are melting, it has emerged. Satellite data shows that concerns over the levels of sea ice may have been premature. It was feared that the polar caps were vanishing because of the effects of global warming. But figures from the respected US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show that almost all the “lost” ice has come back. Ice levels which had shrunk from 13million sq km in January 2007 to just four million in October, are almost back to their original levels. Figures show that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than is usual for the time of year. The data flies in the face of many current thinkers and will be seized on by climate change sceptics who deny that the world is undergoing global warming." [The Express] and many more like it.

Could it be perhaps, that the summons stones effect in slowing the earth spinning, not only slowed time but also affected the speed of climate change. Makes sense to me.

Tuesday, January 26